Create or Edit a Contact

Creates or updates a contact if contact with the given parameters is already exists.

Creates or updates a contact. A new contact only requires either a valid email address or valid mobile phone number. All other fields are optional.

Updating custom fields

DailyStory supports custom fields to allow you to store virtually any data with a contact.


A custom field does not need to be created

While custom fields comes with their own benefits you can add/remove data using API even if you haven't created the custom field.

To update a contact's custom fields, include the custom field data in the JSON body of your POST:

    "some_custom_field":"hello world"

While not required, we recommend custom field key is lower case, contain no spaces, and are limited to alphanumeric characters. This ensures that if the custom field were used for API access, such as personalization, the customer field could be accessed. For example, {{profile.some_custom_field}}.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!