Send Email

Sends a single email to one or more contacts.

API Query Parameters

The API accepts either a single dsid (DailyStory unique id) or a comma separated list of email addresses. If email query string parameter has a value, the dsid value will be ignored.

Any email addresses that are invalid or are attempted to be used for invalid contacts will be ignored.


Optionally include a JSON body with properties used to personalize the email.

  "subject":"My new email subject",						// optional to set a subject
  "from":"[email protected]",									// optional set a from address
  "confirmation_url":"",		// optional set a profile field
  "confirmation_code":"confirmation-38474"		// optional set a profile field

These fields are then accessible in the email. The following fields are reserved field and for a templated email that is sent these fields are usually already set.

  • subject - set an alternate subject for the email.
  • from - set an alternate from address for the email.
  • preheader- set an alternate preheader for the email.
  • plaintext- set an alternate plaintext for the email.
  • cc - carbon copy recipients. Must be in standard email format. Multiple addresses should be separated with a semi-colon.
  • bcc - blind carbon copy recipient. Must be in standard email format. Multiple addresses should be separated with a semi-colon.
  • reply-to - set the reply-to header of the email. Must be in standard email format. Only a single address is allowed.

For example:

Hello, your confirmation code is{{profile.confirmation_code}}.

It's also possible to send a subject or from with a personalization token, for example:

  "subject":"Your id is {{@profile.custom_id}}"

When the email is sent if the contact has a personalization field of custom_id it will automatically be inserted.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!